Nova Star Dance Company LLC
11 am - 8 pm pst
Text "Info" to 702-425-4978
Private Lessons by Appointment Only at Desert Breeze Community Center
8275 Spring Mountain Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89117
Ask about our Online Lessons!

Nova Star Dance Company Rules & Regulations-
Please Read
All payments are due at the first of every month. New student packages paid for after the 1st will be pro-rated, and then charged in full on the1st of the following month. A $25 late payment processing fee will be applied to accounts paid after the 5th of the month. All student monthly packages will be charged to the credit or debit card on file on an autopay schedule.
All competition students are required to audition to compete in upcoming seasons. We require a $50 costume deposit. All competition students must not miss more than 1 class per month. NSDC offers makeup classes in the form of private lessons or additional group class attendance to maintain training.
NSDC teachers will update students/parents of in-class dress code requirements. Please advise, students are not permitted to wear the following to class: School Uniforms, Flip Flops/Sandals, tight fitting jeans
(restricts movement), sports gear such as helmets or cleats, dress shoes, sun-glasses,.
Note to parents: Students will not be permitted to enter class in only a leotard and tights. Please ensure that your child has the proper covering before entering class. Students will also not be permitted to leave without being signed out by a pre-approved parent/pre-approved guardian. If there are any changes, please make the necessary updates in-person with a member of Management. We reserve the right to request identification of any adult retrieving an NSDC student.